Financial Needs Analysis (FNA)

Financial Needs Analysis (FNA)

What is a Financial Needs Analysis (FNA)?

  • A form requested by a tribal scholarship organization that provides details of a student’s current financial aid status, awards, and unmet need.
  • The form must be processed by the UNM Financial Aid Office.
  • The following must be met for an FNA to be processed:
    1. Must have submitted a complete FAFSA for the academic year requested
    2. Must have a complete Financial Aid File for the academic year requested
    3. Must be making Satisfactory Academic Progress

To Request a Financial Needs Analysis (FNA):

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Forms"
  3. Click on "Request and Agreements"
  4. Find Financial Needs Analysis and click "Online"
  5. Select "Open the Form"
  6. Check the box "I understand my FNA will only be sent if these conditions are met"
  7. Select Tribe, Tribal Organization, UNM Department, or Other Organization
  8. Complete form, sign, and click "Submit"

Check the status of your Financial Aid File online via LoboWeb

  •  Go to and login using your UNM NetID and Password
    1. Click "Enter LoboWeb"
    2. Click the "Financial Aid" tab
    3. Click "My Financial Aid Dashboard"
    4. Select the appropriate Aid Year (ex. 2024-2025)
    5. View any unsatisfied or missing requirements under the "Notification" tab
  • If you have unsatisfied or missing documents, submit to the UNM Financial Aid Office online by going to
  • Confirm with the UNM Financial Aid Office that your Financial Aid Package is complete.

    **If a student's financial aid file is incomplete, a Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) will not be processed. If awaiting the processing of a Financial Needs Analysis (FNA), feel free to contact the UNM Financial Aid Office directly about the expected date of completion.**