Private Scholarships
Opportunities with March 2025 Deadlines
UG - Undergraduate Student (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior)
GR - Graduate Student (Masters or Professional Degree)
HS - Graduating High School Students
Note: For more information, follow-up questions, and to check on the status of your application with any of the opportunities listed below, please reach out to the funding organization/company directly.
National Scholarships are a crucial component of a country's commitment to promoting education and providing opportunities for its citizens to excel academically. These scholarships are designed to recognize and support outstanding students, enabling them to pursue their educational goals and contribute to the development of their nation. Click to apply.
Rubber Division, ACS offers two $5,000 Undergraduate Scholarships to students entering their junior or senior year for the fall-spring academic year. In addition, the former Connecticut Rubber Group offers a $5,000 Russell Mazzeo Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship. This award serves to honor the dedication to education and Rubber Division, ACS that Russ showed during his nearly 50 years in the rubber industry. Applicants for these scholarships may have a major area study in chemistry, physics, chemical or mechanical engineering, polymer science or any other technical discipline relevant to the rubber industry. Click to apply.
Applicants must be 14 years or older at the time of entry; must sumbit an online application form and an original photo, artwork, or computer graphic for the front of a greeting card. Click to apply.
Applicants must complete online application, "what drives you" essay in 500 words, and 16-18 years old. Click to apply.
Applicant must complete application form, write 1-2 page essay on why you deserve the scholarship, include resume or CV, official transcripts, SAT, DAT, GRE, or MCAT score report, and 1 min video introducing yourself. Click to apply.
Applicant must demonstrate financial need, graduating senior, completed a 3.0 GPA, enroll full-time in 2025-2026. If continuing undergraduates must be a former Tzu Chi Scholarship recipient. Click to apply.